Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Dad's mini adventure :D

OK so I've neglected my blog....big shock....but I'm hoping to do better. It's been a crazy experience so far and it's bound to get even better.

Dad came out to the village with me and we both realized that I had no food whatsoever! None of my boxes showed up.....well not true. All my books did arrive. Which is important! BUT I can't eat Dad and I had a bit of an issue. My principle is a saint and gave us some peanut butter ( I had a loaf of bread in my backpack.....don't ask) apples, and soup...which lead to a bowl as well cause I didn't have any! Let me tell's a tad frustrating. My boxes are still somewhere....not where I am! I've been in the village since the first and no boxes yet. GAH! Any who....long story short....Dad and I had a wee bit of an adventure getting him home as well. Dad was supposed to leave on Sunday but the weather was not looking good. It was windy, rainy, etc. We sat in the school office for a couple of hours waiting for a plane to take him to Bethel but no one would land because of the conditions. Dad was a tad frustrated because he needed to get back to Anchorage....where some of his stuff was still at the hotel! and also to get on his flight home! We went to my place for a bit and watched "Meet the Fockers" (always a classic) and waiting. Then all of the sudden my principle was at my door saying a plane was landing in 5 minutes and that was the ONLY one for the rest of the day. Dad and I popped up and ran to the school....said goodbye....and Dad walked "briskly" to the airstrip, in the rain, hoping to catch a ride to Bethel.

My principle and I sat inside and watched Dad fly away. He got home safe and sound. He was supposed to leave Kong at 11:30 and wound up leaving around 6:30. Then I was on my own.....dun Dun DUN! (dramatic music...) actually it wasn't so bad. I put things away and started on lists of things I'm going to need (like FOOD) when I'm in Bethel, etc. The next day I went to Bethel for my first round of new teacher training in LKSD....woohoo!

OK that's my pre-training blog. I promise the training and more info on my village are coming! I need to get my pictures up-loaded, etc, etc. Love and kisses to all and you'll be reading more soon ;)

1 comment:

  1. Love your updates!! Glad it's going well, other than the whole no food thing. Geez. Where is your stuff?! Someday I want to hear the story about the bread in the backpack. What in the world? Well, it is you, so I guess I shouldn't ask.

    Miss you, love you!
