Thursday, May 2, 2013

Anyone have a rich uncle?

The travel date is getting closer and closer for the student trip this summer.  We're all getting so excited!

Some things have changed with the trip.  There were 17 students that were on the roster to travel but 6 of the students failed classes and due to district policy with grades they cannot travel.  It was a HUGE bummer.  I know those students would have had so much fun and learned SO much from the experience.  BUT we have to stick to the guidelines.  Maybe we can expand the program when they are older and begin a senior trip :D

Good News:  Donlin Gold donated duffel bags and water bottle for all 15 people traveling!  We were so surprised and thrilled for their contribution.  The duffle bags are great because now everyone will be using the same luggage, easy to find!  The water bottles are a God send for the students.  They aren't used to humidity at all and there is quite a bit in ND/MN.  This way they'll stay hydrated and happy during the trip.

We tie dyed tshirts for the trip and personalized the other two tshirts we got the students.  Sheila and I found a great sale with t shirts so all the students have a bright yellow shirt, a red shirt, a tie dyed shirt, and then a Kong Wolverines tshirt for the trip.  Sounds silly but in the Mall of America, it helps when all of them are wearing a bright color to help locate them.

Bad News:  Finding the money to pay for their flights from Kong to Anchorage is proving difficult.  We should have enough money for the majority of the trip and the flights from Anchorage to Minneapolis and back.  The flights from Kong to Bethel and Bethel to Anchorage are becoming a big worry.  We're trying every avenue we can find to see if someone can help with the costs of these plane tickets.  We've even email Ellen!  (We'll see how that pans out)

If ANYONE knows of ANYONE that would be willing to donate miles, money, anything to help we would be SO grateful!  It would be such a bummer to come so close, only to cancel the trip due to not being able to get to Anchorage.  Email, call, mail if you have questions or know of someone who can help! 

P.O. Box 5109
Kongiganak, AK 99545

Here are a few pics we took of the students.  They wanted a group shot before the trip. 

Outside the school :D  SUPER windy
By the wolverine sign....I had to give Bernie bunny ears to get all the smiles