Thursday, March 12, 2015

Akula Meet

So yeah....super delayed post but what else is new? 

Our second meet in Akula was very, very rainy.  The positive note was we had a girl travel this time! 

My HS team was made up of two boys and my JH team was two boys and a girl!  Finally, someone to talk to.

The trail for the meet in Akula was very difficult, a lot of sand, but there were no major hills that they had to climb.  Overall, they had a lot of fun.  The only downside was the rain.  The skies opened up right at the beginning of the HS race.  Not a whole lot of fun to run in it, even worse just standing there...waiting.

The only other downside was that they didn't have the best plan for figuring out who came in when...add the rain into the mix and there was a whole lot of frustrated people.

My team did very well, the girl got 5th place!! The boys pushed themselves and did their best.  I was so proud of them.  It was another great experience.

Another girl!  YAY :)

Team heading to Akula!  LET'S RUN!

Walking the trail


We all felt like we were inside the 'Lion King' at one point

Getting ready to run!
JH are off!
HS taking off!
Austen heading in
Desirae coming about

The boys were racing each other

Kyle coming in

5th place!!

Waiting for the plane....
Success!! Another meet down