Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day 7 Pictures!

Hello all my readers! 

 Yes this post is way past its due date.  The summer simply took over my life.  I was never in one place longer than 10 days and I was off to someplace else.  I am BACK in Kongiganak and I will finish telling you about our travels, now that I'm a tad settled down.

Day 7 was at the Mall of America and my mom gave me her pictures so here are a few highlights from our day at the largest mall in America!

Going UP!

We Lived!

Getting ready :D

So High!

The Scary Ride

Screaming ensued

The Group Favorite

We Found Sponge Bob!

Bumper Cars!!

Having Fun

Mariel got one done

At the aquarium at the Mall of America

Jelly Fish!!

So Cool!

Group shot after the aquarium

Sheila liked this shark

So many cool fish

Group shot after dinner at the Rainforest Cafe

Dinner with Atlas