Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A New Trip Begins!

First of all let me start off this post by saying WOW....I like the updates blogger has done in the past 6 months.  YES....it's been that long.  I'm sad and pathetic for lagging on my blogging duties but lets just say I've been busy.

Now onward to new business.  Last year we started fundraising again for the student trip.  Unfortunately, due to eligibility and a small class size, we were not able to take another trip last summer.  BUT we are taking a trip this summer!  As of January 25 we got the official approval from the LKSD school board that we can take another crew of JH students to the Lower 48!

This trip is a tad different for a couple of reasons.  First of all we have a couple of freshman in the crew, so it technically cannot be called the 'JH Trip' anymore.  The freshman are made up of the students that missed out last year but helped out with the fundraising and a couple of our 8th graders skipped a year, so they are the same age just ahead in school.   Another difference is we're expanding our itinerary and seeing more of North Dakota!  If all goes well we're going to Medora, ND.  Hoping to see more of the Badlands.

So far fundraising has been pretty successful.  Our goal is $35,000.  So far we have around $20,000.  We are getting there!  The trip is going to be a tad more due to the extended itinerary and we'll have 17 students this time, instead of 14.  The parents have been a HUGE help in the fundraising area, we are truly blessed with that.

If all goes well we'll be heading to the Lower 48 on May 30!  I'll keep you all updated on fundraising attempts, and where we'll be traveling for this new adventure.  If you care to make a donation for our fund please send a check made out to LKSD and mail it to me: P.O. Box 5109, Kongiganak, AK 99545.   We would appreciate ANY help you could offer.

Below are a few pics from some fundraising we've done so far this year :D

We had Sushi Restaurant Night - Our Waiters
The final product - Yummy Sushi

Our Lovely Cooks :D


Rolling the Sushi

Cutting the Moose....yes is was MOOSE Sushi

Cutting up carrots....they LOVE their work