Thursday, February 12, 2009

Woa! It's been awhile!

Hey all you happy people!

So it's been forever since I last wrote and I'm not sure where I left off so I'll just bounce around and give you some highlights. For the Super Bowl *boo that the Steelers won :( we went to Ellen's "moms" place and watched. We had peanuts, coke, beer, and was fabulous! I'm sure all the locals heard us hollaring and wondered what the stupid Americans were up to now.

I didn't think I would be doing much this last session because it was finals week. They reviewed all week and then Sunday through Wednesday were finals. There wasn't much prepared for "review" and it was a semi awkward week in teaching. Everytime I was told..."And now Ms. Garnet is going to teach the class...." I was first shocked and completely unprepared...and second I had no idea what they had done for most of the one thought to fill me in. There were a couple of awkward moments. I introduced "sparkle" to some of the classes to help them review vocabulary. That was fun! For those of you who don't know what "Sparkle" is...shame on you. We also started telling jokes, riddles, and learning hand jives. I will let you all know that I didn't start this....that was all Aurelio....but I did get a couple of students with some riddles. ;)

In the mornings we have started a new tradition that I like a lot and will cry when I have to leave. I usually show up to the library around 9-9:30 and read or prepare for class. Classes start at 10:30. Lately my 1st form students have been coming into the library and chatting with me. Now we read to eachother in the mornings. Their favorite book to read from is "Where the Sidewalk Ends." They love the poems and the library has two of that authors books so we take turns reading poems. I usually have a crows of 7-10 students listening in. It's so much fun!!

Another highlight was on Thursday night. The 4th formers are learning about debating and also about the land rights issue that is huge here in Belize. The 4th formers were given the assignment to write a speech as if they were going to address the cabinet on the land rights issue. They are also having a mock court case on the land rights issue here at Tumul Kin. I was picked to help out the side of the government....gulp! The 4th formers are on the side of the Belizean people. It was a lot of fun to watch the students and this coming Wednesday we are cross examining witnesses....I hope they take it easy on me! I'm a "famous" historian who knows all about the history of Belize....yeah it's hard to BS my way through this.

On saturday, instead of culture night we had presentations. Before dinner all the specialty classes showed what they had learned or made throughout the year so far. They showed off their jippy jappa baskets, their kuxtal (bags), the performing arts danced for us, and the marimba class all played different tunes. It was a lot of fun. After dinner I told a riddle to Ms. Heather and Mr. Pablo (Ac. Dir.) just to pass the time, before I knew it I had 15 students trying to figure out the riddle too! Before they could answer the 3rd formers gave presentations on the Queqchi, Mopan, and Yucetan Maya. These are the three Maya cultures that are present in Belize. It was so interesting! My favorite part was learning about the courting rituals. Mr. Pablo told us that if a young man wanted to marry a girl he had to go out into the jungle with her father and uncles and chop wood. They would call him "pig" and if he couldn't keep up with the chopping they would eventually pen him in with all the wood they would chop, like a pig! It was so funny to watch some of the boy's faces when they heard this! At the end of everything Mr. Pablo finally figured out the riddle....hahaha.

Saturday started the testing for English, it was the composition section. After that they all had testing everyday. I supervised a couple of tests for Mr. Pablo so he could go to meetings. Some of the students got to experience my "angry teacher" face during testing. Biggest pet peeve as a teacher; when students talk during a test! So I scared a few students and then all was peaceful in the land. On Tuesday night the boys wanted to learn spoons but come to find out that no one had a deck of cards...gah! So we decided on Monopoly. Holy Cow!! The boys really got into it! They were buying hotels and houses left and right! I don't know about you....but we usually never get that far! There was yelling, bagging, funny! Two of the teachers came to watch and were wiping their eyes they were laughing so hard. I had one student in the hole with the bank by over $3500! The rest of the students watched "white chicks" but we stuck with Monopoly.

On Wednesday I woke up, went to the library and came across a bunch of the boys clearing out this land right next to the snack shop! It was worries I got pictures. All the girls stood on the sidelines while the boys hacked, raked, and threw debre everywhere! I'm sure it's good frustration management but I get super nervous seeing some of those students swinging machet's everywhere! After watching for a bit I did some planning....don't know if that will help, and then played more Monopoly after lunch! The boys really enjoy the game! I was just banker this time around. Then I went to the caves with my student Melisa and just relaxed in the water all was a hot day! When I got back the boys wanted to play again but we had no where to set up. So we waited until the commons area was free and set up. Half way through we all made dinner. Ms. Nat (the cook) left along with most of the other students. The only students still at Tumul Kin are either leaving on Thursday or stay at Tumul Kin. Usually they live a long ways away and it's cheaper for them to just stay at school. I got to help make flour tortilla's and help bake them! It was fun! Then we sat down and played Monopoly! I left at 10:30 and they were still going! It was down to just two boys and myself...I had 4 hotels! Two boys got knocked out. Too much fun!

On Saturday I have parent teacher conferences, Sunday going to the keys with the other teachers, and Monday I'm being observed by a supervisor (which may blow up since I don't really teach a lot....gulp!) Wish me luck all around!

That's about it for now. Yay for my cousin Jess who is getting married on Valentines Day! Happy Valentines Day to everyone...hope you eat a bunch of chocolate for me :D

Family: Need to know me or whatever. I lied...I get done on Feb. I'll going to make plans unless I hear different from you. Communication people!!

Love and Kisses to all...hope everyone is well and I hear you got a bunch of ice....dang....that sucks.... :evil smile on my face: Keep your chins up!


  1. Now I need to ask what the riddle was... I just got back from what I thought would be a karaoke night, but it turns out our karaoke master of ceremonies got into a car accident or something. :( I haven't played a good game of monopoly in a looooong time. I'll have to see if the room mates are up for it. Happy Valentine's day! Are you going to miss out on the tradition of chalk-flavored heart giving? Hope the supervisor observation goes well!

    PS: Go Steelers! :P

  2. Hey Garnet
    Happy Valentine's Day!! I will eat extra chocolate just for you!! (I know, big sacrifice!)
    The weather here is sunny and balmy (perspective).
    Good luck on the observation. You will do just fine (What's not to love?)
    You have been so fortunate to have been part of such a great experience. Enjoy it to the end.
    See you soon. Love, Judy
